The following is a list of trainers and resources we have used for many years. All of these follow the same general theme and are compatible with each other making learning for the dog clearer and more fun. The goal is to have dogs that are obedient, complete their tasks in a stylish manner and are fun to watch. All of those listed below will help achieve that goal. There are other methods of training but we have found some to be contradictory and that makes learning more difficult.

Mike Lardy - Mike is by far the most successful trainer in the US and has compiled a wonderful source of information through his printed material, training manuals, articles reprinted from publications and videos. All of which can be purchased through Younglove Broadcast Services.

Dennis Voigt - Dennis is a long-time friend of Mike’s and is the publisher of the magazine, Retrievers On-Line. He has enjoyed training many field champions both in the US and Canada. It is a wonderful source of teaching information. Dennis also has a video that teaches you how to throw marks for your dog by yourself. Training Retrievers Alone.

Connie Cleveland – Connie’s background is in obedience and field, having successfully competed field and obedience championships, some with the same dog. She has written a wonderful book DOGS ARE PROBLEM SOLVERS. The book is mainly directed toward obedience but is a valuable tool for those who like to have a dog that pays attention.

Pat Nolan – Pat has trained many field champions since 1975 and has found a unique niche in ways to motivate an animals desire to learn. He has a wonderful website that is designed for puppies , He also has a site that deals with other issues (download E-Collar Manual),,, and and

Bill Hillman - Bill is a dog trainer, having trained more point derby dogs than anyone in the US and has developed a system of starting steadying puppies without restraining them and also building great desire and drive.

William Koehler - Open Obedience ISBN 0-87605-753-9 is available through This is the source that we and some of the above use for force fetch. Koehler's training accomplishments are too numerous to mention but include most of the dogs used in the Walt Disney movies. It is a concept that teaches prior to force, thereby allowing the dog to fully understand the process.